Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Get in the Game!

Well, it’s been a few years since I’ve last blogged. Actually, it may be more than that as I think it was an assignment in one of  @annfeldmann’s college classes. I’ve pushed it to the side as I was becoming more dependent on communicating and connecting through my classroom website  and Twitter @darintoelle. I’ve been “encouraged” (no you can’t see the bruises) by my tech coach @brentcattlett to be more active in the sharing of our journey in our 1:1 ipad classroom. I definitely have plenty to share, including the many successes and challenges that my sixth grade class experienced in the first semester of having iPad technology at our fingertips on a daily basis. Whoa, seriously? Is this happening, am I teaching with each student in my class being a connected learner? Are we working towards a paperless classroom? You better believe we are!

I’ve been teaching with technology since year one, utilizing whatever technology means we had available. In the beginning, I was primarily using the computer lab to cover basic skills and word processing, along with some dedicated programs and access to internet based activities. Times progressed and soon all teachers in the district had their own laptop for professional use. First came HPs. We began using clickers and mobis. Then, BPS made the switch to Apple and purchased Macs for all teachers. Slowly, this buzz was stirring about whether or not iPads or iPods would be in the future for our district. Sure enough, the day came. It started with the use of iPads for students with special needs and then came terms like “iPad Pilot” and “iPad Academy”. Looking back at when I first started teaching and how quickly technology changes, I realize, I’m that teacher. The teacher that always wants the new tech gadget and wants to find the ways to effectively use them in the classroom to enhance learning, differentiate lessons, and inspire those who are tired of the same old routine.

So, it’s time for me to “Get in the Game”...again. Here we go #teamcat! I have been very fortunate to have tech coaches like Ann Feldmann, Brent Catlett, and Jenny Krzystowczyk. I’m thankful for our technology director, Greg Boettger, who has made this become reality in our district. They have helped me incorporporate technology into my classroom and my teaching style. I think they may have made me their guinea pig on a couple occasions, but if it means technology for my class, I’m in!

Follow along in the experience of our latest journey of a 1:1 iPad classroom.